February 21
/S.O.A.P. Notes
Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations
Sis we serve a God who fully knows you and FULLY loves you!
I don’t know about you but that sets my heart a blaze. God blessed your value before you were introduced to the world. He knew you before your formation and He handcrafted you to endure the womb and beyond!!
I know when i was younger I had so many dreams and so many ideas of what a “good” life would look like and to see where I am i could not have imagined a more beautiful life!! Not because i got the right man and the right profession and the right testimony but because I got the right salvation that covers all the times i fell short in this good life!
I want you to start off by saying to your 10 year old self:
You made it sis. Through everything you endured even back then, YOU MADE IT!!
Remember this is a love letter to you. What have you accomplished that you want to tell her. What do you love now that you want to encourage her to do more often. Who has helped you grow that you want to tell her to cherish a little deeper. What dreams did you have to shift slightly that you want her to know go full force in because God caught you and groomed you along the way?
end your letter with one thing you appreciate about the woman she grew to be!