5 Reasons Comparison Kills Purpose
/5 Reasons Comparison Suffocates Purpose
Comparison is a silent killer. Do you believe that? Have you smelled the stench that comparison often leaves on so many people’s lives? Have you smelled that same odor long after you’ve realized you too have fallen into the trap? What will it take for us to realize that we were created uniquely, divinely, and solely for the purpose God assigned to our lives? I too have found myself in a relationship with this thief, but I’ve decided that it’s time we all break up with him. Comparison won’t stop stealing the best of you if you don’t make the active decision to walk in your OWN purpose, and the only way to do that is to stop it from suffocating your purpose, first.
Reason #1 why comparison suffocates your purpose: It Creates Jealousy.
When you compare yourself to another sister or brother in Christ and you are jealous of what they have/who they are, you are still worldly. I know this sounds harsh but let 1 Corinthians 3:3 be my witness. When jealousy lives inside of you, so does the world. Desiring what another person has will NEVER allow you to enjoy what God has already given you. Oftentimes, we are only seeing a glimpse of somebody else’s life when we choose to compare ours to theirs. We live in a social media age that makes comparison extremely easy. My friend, you must not let jealousy drown your purpose. Don’t let it be what you lead with. Instead, choose to celebrate what God has blessed others with and who they are. That will kill the jealousy in you.
Reason #2 why comparison suffocates your purpose: It Distracts You From Your Purpose.
“If the enemy can distract you, he can destroy you.” This quote has been an anchor of truth for my soul, a reminder that whatever I choose to give my attention to that doesn’t edify my spiritual life, has the potential to take me down a really dark path. And I know what you’re thinking, “it’s not that serious, we all get distracted”, but it is that serious. Distraction from your own purpose will have you living a mundane life, without direction and without intention. Sometimes the seasons that were meant to be the best of our lives are simply washed away with our inability to focus. What God has for you can’t be compared and it can’t be placed on the backburner. You must focus your eyes on what’s before you.
Reason #3 why comparison suffocates your purpose: It Makes You Resent Your Purpose.
Whenever I would express any type of dislike for myself, those around me would quickly remind me that to dislike the girl in the mirror would be to tell God I didn’t like what his hands created. It was a problem, a really big one. I couldn’t understand why, until now. How many times have you resented your calling simply because you’ve been too busy admiring someone else’s? How many times have you wished you were a different person, in a different season, with different gifts because of something you saw on social media? I can’t imagine how God feels when we turn away from what he gently handed us, and neglect our unique calling. Instead of resenting the gifts and attributes that were gifted to you, dig deeper into them. Find out why God gave you what he gave you and then DECIDE to never compare your gift to anyone else’s. If you spend your life resenting your gifts, you might wake up one morning and realize that you no longer have the ability to use them. You’ll end up in a place you were never supposed to be in, simply because you didn’t choose to love YOU.
Reason #4 why comparison suffocates your purpose: It Kills Your Creativity
Have you ever been super excited to make something? To try a new recipe, attempt to remodel your room, or start a new workout plan? Have you ever been discouraged by the thought that someone out there can do a way better job than you ever could? If so, that’s proof that comparison MURDERS creativity. It steals our passion when we most need it. It creeps up on us when we least expect it, and sometimes you don’t want to step out of the cycle. You’d rather live in comparison than step into your God-given ability to create. I must tell you that although many can do what you do, they could NEVER do it like you. Rest in the fact that all that you are and all that you do is worth making, seeing, and celebrating.
Reason #5 why comparison suffocates your purpose: It Makes You Think That What You Have Is Not Enough.
The enemy’s favorite line will always be “not enough.” Not enough joy, not enough gifts, not enough peace, not enough time, not enough money, not enough life. He will always try to convince us that what we currently have is not enough to make us succeed. Yet, Matthew 14:13-21 is proof that Jesus can multiply what we have if we choose not to compare others' starting amount with ours. There’s such a beauty in what we bring to Jesus, raw authenticity lies in what we choose not to prematurely judge. To compare what you have is to judge what God already gave you. It’s my job to remind you that what you have is MORE than enough, and it always will be. So many of us go through life without ever discovering all that was available to us, all that God placed on the inside of us. It’s time we stop living in comparison and live in purpose. It’s time we ditch the script where the enemy slowly kills our purpose with comparison, and write a new story. You were meant for more than this.
Written by Aliah Mitchel
Follow her on IG at @ALILYXO